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Monday, April 6, 2009

Oh No Not Again!!

I am with Becky....I am rapidly losing my mind. As previously posted I have had to cancel the spring teacher conference with Mags' teacher 2 times. I was suppose to be there today at 3:30....I remembered at 8:00. I didn't just remember...I remembered with much ado. I gasped and threw my hand over my mouth; which made Maggie gasp and throw her hand over her mouth. She then looked at me in all seriousness and said that I was 5 hours late. Now I have to send an apologetic letter to her teacher tomorrow and admit that it would be much easier if she would just send the papers that I need to sign home with Maggie...just like I did for the Fall parent/teacher conference. It's very embarrassing. I look like one of those mothers who don't care about their child's educational development. I do care, I really do...I just really needed a nap. It's not my fault. The true root of the cause is the cold front that came through last night. Now hear me out.... when the weather changes so quickly I tend to get a terrible sinus headache, which is what happened last night. The only sinus pill I could find was a prescription 24 hour pill....I'm not sure where it came from, but it was in my cabinet, so I took it. I got a total of 2 hours of sleep last night, restless, heart racing sleep....This stupid pill lasted until after 5:00 today! I HAD to lay down about 2:30 pm for a nap....I didn't wake up until 3:30pm when Maggie came in from that time I had totally forgotten about the meeting. So, actually, it was out of my control. Due to an act of God through nature; I let my daughter down. Whew, I'm glad I got all that figured out, I am totally guilt free now.....blogging really does help!


Becky said... you are really scaring me. I have had a sinus headache for the past 3 days because of our crazy weather too. And I still daily forget things that I should not be forgetting. I never realized we were so much alike Shell...that may actually keep me up tonight. :) (Just kidding!)

GOP Gal said...

I get sinus headaches too when the weather changes! But i have to say, I don't forget about something three times in a row. I'm kind of embarrased for you. But isn't that what cousins are for?
