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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Randomness (I don't care if it's a real word or not!)

Ever since I started blogging, I find myself going through the day filing away little tidbits that happen for future blogs..I am constantly saying to myself , "My next blog is going to be about that!" then by the time I log on I can't remember what was so daggone funny.
I totally had something picked out yesterday to blog about last night, I even told Amy about it (because I think it's something she did)..but I have tried and tried to remember to no avail. It's very annoying.
I did take some time yesterday morning to shoot a BB-Gun at one of the stupid roosters that keep coming into Amy's yard....I use to be a good shot...use to be. In my defense it was a very tiny rooster and it was walking over the bank..Amy did keep hollering at me to "aim low", but it didn't help much....that is what we do in Kentucky when we visit friends. We sit under the carport/porch in the swing with our coffee and various weapons and take pot shots at errant animals. Neither one of us thought it unusual at all and there was no laughter about it, just annoyance that the BB Gun wasn't working properly at the beginning..lo and behold, the safety was on...who woulda thunk it?
I'm still trying to remember what I thought was so funny yesterday...maybe if I keep typing randomly it will come to me...
We went to Bob Evans to eat and let me tell you, their fried cornmeal mush with warm syrup is to DIE for!!!
Amy bought a box of ShamWow towels at Walmart and frankly I now know why they are called "Sham" wow! She will buy anything that is "As seen on tv", anything.
I have the new kitten sleeping with me everynight....which is really sweet, but I almost killed it the other night. I was half asleep and it moved, well, in my dream-like state I thought a mouse had climbed up into the bed with I slung it...thank goodness the bed covers caught it or it would have flew across the room and slammed into the wall, because it weighs about as much as a feather. Last night it woke me up at 4 am by sticking it's nose way back into my ear canal, and trying to nurse off of my ear drum....I had to get up and take her to the food bowl and then put her into the litter's like having a new born again.
Well, I give up, I cannot remember. I shall call it Blog Fog...maybe it was the ShamWow, maybe that seemed funnier yesterday? Who knows....


Brenda said...

Shelley, you are too young to have problems like that. Just wait until you are 58. You will have to have someone tell you your name every day.hahahahaha

Unknown said...

well shelley i'll try not to fling MOE across the room tonite, i have a feeling she or he! will be sleeping on my neck if me or your dad wants any sleep tonite! I have a feeling i may be to old for another kid, but i'm not worried i'm sure you or jen will take over for me if i'm not up to it. you may want to talk to her soon MOE just hissed at me again!!!!! love mom

Becky said...

Just remember Shelley, "eyeball" was not a real word either until Shakespeare wrote it down.

Amy said...

Oh Shelley! You know you wanted to blog about something funny I did, (which you kind of did) The Sham WOW was the funniest thing that happened that day. Well...that and the fact that we wanted to sleep in the car in my driveway. You were pretty sure I had a carbon monoxide leak at that point, but we perked up once you spilled the coffee and I said...."WAIT!!!! I HAVE A SHAM WOW!!! hahahaha!!