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Monday, June 17, 2013

"Dispatch...This Is 400...I'm Gonna Need Back Up"

My husband has been in Law Enforcement since 2005..he is currently Sheriff. I am use to late night  calls from dispatch and thought nothing of it when he had to leave out last night around 1:30am. (To be honest, I remember him telling me he had to go out, but have  no recollection of him actually leaving or returning..that bit scares me a little).
So Casey apparently leaves the house to go to a 59 yr. old woman's house who he has dealt with before. She has some mild mental issues but he has full confidence that he can handle it alone.
(He was wrong. Love it's heart)
Casey made it to the lady's house. As he exited his vehicle he can see through her window that she is watching him on her security cameras. (This should have caused some mild curiosity if not concern) He made it up the steps as she opened the door. He said she set her Diet Pepsi down and stepped towards him. Suddenly, she opened her arms wide and advanced. He said at this point it was like slow his mind he was saying, "NOOOooooooo!!"
Too late. She has latched herself onto his body. Arms and legs are wrapped around him and she is trying to kiss him. He successfully removes one arm at a time...but each time the other arm comes back around him. She is chanting over and over "I want you Casey..I want you Casey"
Finally, both arms are removed simultaneously. He isn't sure how her legs came loose from his hips, but he is eternally grateful.
He had her arms held back with his and asked her ,"What in God's name was THAT about?!"
She replied, "I want you Casey. I want you!"
Casey said, "NOooo! I am a happily married man!"
She replied, "I want you Casey. I want you!"
Now Casey is use to grappling with various offenders. But this encounter left him slightly ruffled. He must think quickly. He said , "I need to get something out of the cruiser" and left her in the house.
He promptly called dispatch for backup. (Stop laughing!)
As he is waiting for backup, the lady "falls down" and is inside saying, "Oww! Ow!"
Casey stepped back up to the house, but refused to cross the threshold. He asked her what was wrong and of course she replied, "I want you Casey!"
Back up arrived and had a good laugh at his expense....and informed him that they had responded to this lady's house a few weeks ago. While there, she looked at one of the officers (who shaves his head too) and said, "I want Casey to take me home". it's a little freaky.
On his way home Casey called dispatch to give the status of the call..he said "From now on, if I have to go to that residence I want back up first." The dispatcher laughed and said, "I will put that in the report." Casey said, "Yes. That is what I want in the report."
My poor husband. My poor dear husband :-)

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