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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Relay for Life

Last night Casey and I spent the evening in Olive Hill for the Relay For Life event. The Sheriff Dept. sold Brats ( bratwursts, not small children) and snow cones, with other items thrown in.
 It was 2,000 degrees and our tent was placed directly in the sun's angry eye.  I spent an hour thinking that someone in the tent had some funky body odor going on until I realized it was the sauerkraut for the brats.
While I slaved away inside Satan's chamber Casey was ten feet away staying nice and cool in the refreshing dunk tank.  With only $1.00 the citizens of the county could get their revenge on my husband. They made over $100.00, which equals out (my math skills are AMAZING) to over 100 seat dropping dunks. I heard at least 3 people offer to pay a dollar to get into the dunk tank themselves. Have I mentioned how horribly hot it was?
After the survivors walk, the different Relay teams marched around the ring holding their banners. Of course we had zip tied our banner to the fence and had to cut it down. We entered the ring one wanted to stand up front and hold the banner. Casey had Scout (K-9) in one hand and held onto the banner in the other. We finally jostled into position and yelled at each other to "hold it up higher on your end!" or "spread out, it's wrinkled!"  As the names of the teams are called out, each team hoops and hollers in response. We scream loudly when they say Carter County Sheriff Dept. and I feel very proud of our team...until Oak Grove Church is called and they respond in some kind of chant. Immediately I am mad that WE didn't have a clever chant. I'm a little competitive.
By ten o'clock I am so ready to come home...I have to work this morning. Of course at that moment Casey gets a call from dispatch and has to leave, which means I am stuck there until after midnight. He finally returns but informs me that he has to go work at Rudy Fest (bluegrass festival) so I have Christy bring me home. Which I could have done 2 hours earlier. After a 30 minute drive, where several animals tried to use our vehicle to commit suicide, I made it home.
So, our first Relay for Life Sheriff Dpt. team is over. I am so glad that it is one whole year before it's time to do it again :-)  ***Obviously, the picture of me and Casey is not from last me, we did not wear jackets last night. LOL

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