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Saturday, February 4, 2012

If you can't take the heat....

We have 2 indoor cats and 1 indoor dog...My daughter, Sammi, has a female cat named Amil (shortened from the original name because too much time was spent saying "what is your cat's name again?")  The other indoor cat is male, so he has no part in this story..sorry Nikki:(  My dog, Bana, is also female.
A few months ago Bana went into heat for the first time. It was hard on all of us...namely me. I quickly discovered that I was going to have to put diapers on Bana if she continued to live inside with us...She was very confused and embarrassed by this, but as I explained to Bana, we women bear the weight of the world on our very narrow and sexy shoulders. She is no exception. She sniffed my breath when I finished my spiel, so I think she understood. So, on the diapers went. It was time consuming but we got through it.
Well...a few nights ago, out of the blue, Amil (the cat) started yowling. It sounded just like a baby screaming. It took us quite unaware and needless to say we were very concerned. What could be wrong with Amil? Is she angry at Sammi for being at work all day? Maybe she is being a rebellious teenage feline and wants to wander around outside? (Out of the question...she would either die of exposure or run straight to the AA Highway..she is not a "hardy" cat if you know what I mean)
This went on all night...I mean ALL night. Concern turned to annoyance...Sammi woke me up at 11:30pm yelling at Amil to hush. How did we finally figure out that Amil was in heat? When she started scooting on her front paws while sticking her rear end up in the air. She did this in addition to the yowling. Oh. My. Gosh.  This is more disturbing than having to put a diaper on Bana. Sammi was, rightly so, mortified. She would randomly yell, "Amil! Stop it. I did not raise you to be like that!"
Bana, meanwhile, became Amil's best friend..odd, because they normally despise each other. It seemed like Bana was trying to tell Amil that it was ok, that she, herself, had been through this and it would end soon. For some odd reason Bana was the only one in the house immune to Amil's yowls.
Night after night..4 or 5 nights (I lost count) we lost precious sleep. I felt bad for my kids as they left for school/work after a restless night probably filled with demon cat nightmares.
Daytime was also exhausting because we had to make sure Nikki didn't come running inside to sexually assault Amil. In short, our lives had been turned upside down for almost a week because a cat was in heat.
Last night, as I was lying in bed, I realized it was quiet...oh my, I think Amil is over her little spell. Relief washed over me...maybe we can all catch up on our sleep!
"Rustle, rustle, rustle...*sigh*" These sounds were made by Bana, who was on the bed with me...she had went into heat yesterday morning and was once again wearing a diaper. She looks pitiful and sighs a lot. **SIGH**  I shall be having all of the animals fixed before the next round of "heat" comes through....

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