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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Miniature Giraffes

Have you seen the commercial about the rich guy that owns a miniature giraffe? I loved this commercial; not for the product (of which I had no clue as to  what they were selling) but for the miniature giraffe that was briefly shown. I even dreamed one night that I owned one of these magnificent animals. My obsession is my defense for my gullibility.
I stumbled across a Russian website...the website was all about the breeding of these "petite lap" giraffes. The giraffe that had a cameo appearance  in the before mentioned commercial came from this farm! Her name is Ivanka. Oh the joy; the excitement! I, (if I had enough money) could own one of these awesome lap pets. Yes, one could sit with me on the couch, ON my lap, hence the name petite LAP giraffes. 
On the website, a live camera was set up so one could watch the petite giraffes in their environment,this proved that it was real! I saw one. Walking around and everything..( not much more than walking, but again, I was very excited.)
I hollered for Sammi to come join me in reading about these delightful animals. 
She immediately said..."Mom, that's not real"
To which I replied..."Yes it is! There is a camera, you can see them walking around!"
(insert snicker from snotty daughter)
She replied..."Your generation just doesn't understand how our generation can do things with computers" 
Me..."It gives the background on this Sammi...they have been bred in Russia for decades, apparently the great grandpa of the family actually performed with a circus, he stole one of the giraffes and ran away...the rest is history"
Sam..."Really mom?" (insert eye roll)
Me..."No listen! The males are called bulls and the females are cows."
Sam..."And that proves what?"
Me..."You just never want me to be happy."
Sam.."You will believe anything"
Me.."It says that they love taking bubble baths and listening to some kind of Russian opera"
Sam.."Oh my gosh, mom"
Me.."Well, I believe it...look how professional the website is!"
Sam..(silence, she has had enough of me)
Me.."OOh, look there's a button to inquire about buying them!"
Sam.."Ok, lets push it"...*she pushes the button*
A screen comes up that says something to the effect of "Congratulations you are the (insert randomly high number here) person to want a petite lap giraffe!"
Sam looks happily satisfied and I look crestfallen.
Stupid fake website. I was more upset that they weren't real than I was that I looked like a moron.
So, kudos to you Sokoblovsky Farm of Petite Lap got me:)

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