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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Mornin' Arlo!

Anyone that knows me, has heard stories about our dog Bana and our cats, Nikki, Stinky Butt Alex and Amil. Those are the indoor cats (well, not so much Stinky Butt anymore...He and Nikki are indoor/outdoor cats but Stinky Butt Alex has experienced some urination problems lately..sooooooo..)
My day typically begins by being awaken by Bana. Usually about 30 minutes before my alarm is set to go off. Once Bana sees that she has lured me out of my dream, by alternately barking then licking my eyebrow, the stop watch begins. I only have so much time  to stumble out of the bed, turn the existing alarm off, shuffle into the living room , get and attach her leash, slide my feet into whatever shoes happen to be beside the front door and if I'm lucky find a random jacket to don. If I don't get this done in a timely manner, Bana will squat and pee on the first available spot. In her defense, she does look apologetic...but doesn't take all the blame. It's like she is saying "We need to work on our routine".
 Most days we make it outside. As we exit through the front door, all urgency that Bana had to pee is instantly gone. Every morning the first thing she does is to run over to Max's doghouse on the porch. She pokes her nose inside and (from now on I will be making the animals talk, because it is what I hear in my head anyway) SO she pokes her head inside the doghouse, sniffs, wakes Max up then looks back at me and says, "He's here. Talking Yellow Cat is in there with him. Everything is fine, they should be out in a minute." I am then pulled off of the porch so Bana can find the perfect spot to pee and poo. Two different spots. It would be considered uncouth to use the same spot for both! Max has now stretched his 10 year old legs and joined us...he spends a few moments ruining every spot that Bana wants to pee on by moving directly to the spot that she is sniffing and hiking his leg. They do this EVERY morning. I encourage Bana to go pee pee; go poo poo...nicely at first...then with more urgency...eventually I have to holler at Max to stop following Bana Max, encourage Bana; ignore Talking Yellow Cat who is on the porch yelling "Food?! You'll be feeding me soon, right? I'm gonna go on around back...I'll meet you on the back porch ledge as usual...Did you hear me?"  (Insert my first sigh of the day here)
Bana finally does her business so we head back to the house. Talking Yellow Cat has ran to the back porch  to inform the stray cats that breakfast will be served soon. Nikki has appeared and is waiting by the front door to be let in for the day. He is no nonsense and barely tolerates Bana. This doesn't stop Bana from bouncing around Nikki as I open the storm door barking "Mornin'! Can you believe it's dawn already? Whadja do last night?" (Usually at this point Nikki raises his paw in warning) Bana backs off with nonchalance..
As I open the front door, both Nikki and Bana push and shove to be the first through the door. Sometimes it gets more confusing because Alex is trying to make his way out of the door. Which always confuses me because he isn't allowed to spend the night inside of the house.We (everyone in the house) cannot figure out how he is getting in. No one admits to letting him in. We check windows to make sure he isn't slinking in through a 3 inch gap. He is just like Houdini. It's a little unsettling if I think about it too much...
So, Alex is slinking out whispering, "Don't look at me guys, no eye contact..stop sniffing me Bana! Great,now she see's me, thanks a lot loser." Alex out, Bana and Nikki in.
They both run straight into the kitchen, where Amil is waiting. She has heard the morning chaos and knows it's time for breakfast. Bana has her food bowl in the floor by the french door. I put the cat's food bowl on top of this desk-like piece of furniture in the kitchen so they can eat without Bana wolfing it down first.
I scoop a cup full of food and pour it into Bana's bowl...Nikki saunters over and starts eating delicate little feline bites. This pushes Bana over the edge. She stands beside Nikki and starts a barking frenzie, "Oh my gosh Nikki! You KNOW that is mine! It's mine! Mom...MOM! You're such a jerk Nikki...none of us like you...Arrrghhhh!!!"
By this time I have filled the cat bowl and Amil has jumped up to partake and enjoy the show below her. Now it is time for me to distract Bana...I do this by feeding the stray cats that are lined up outside the french door. This causes Bana to start her dance of delight. She LOVES to watch the stray cats eat.
I open the french door and the Tower of Babble begins. All of the stray cats start talking and running. Talking Yellow Cat is perched on the ledge beside the door. As I put my arm out to pour the food, he reaches out with his big fat paw and swipes at me...talking the whole time..."Took your sweet time gettin' back here didn't you tootse?" (I have never actually heard him say "tootse" but it sounds like something he would say)  Meanwhile Bana is screaming excitedly "Hey guys! Hey!! I would soooo come out and play with you all, but mom won't let me.."
Lately, something new has been happening during this ritual. Talking Yellow Cat's son, who my oldest named Arlo, has taken advantage of the chaos to slip inside while the other cat's are running around the porch. This is something new for Bana. She hops backwards and looks at me in disbelief. Her dreams have come true! She has an orphan to play with...
Nikki is ignoring Arlo, as he is just grateful that Bana has stopped screaming at him.
Amil is done nibbling and is sitting on the shelf above the cat food bowl.
I pick Arlo up and put him beside the food to which he attacks like he has never eaten (he does every morning, he just isn't use to having a bowl to himself)
Being Talking Yellow Cat's son, Arlo is very adept at talking and eating at the same time. Bana has jumped up onto the recliner behind Arlo and Amil is above him. Arlo takes a mouthful of food then starts regaling them with the life of a stray cat. They are enthralled. Amil has become hypnotized by Arlo's tail. She really really wants to touch that tail. Bana keeps jumping up and doing a quick sniff while Arlo's back is turned. Arlo takes a bite, says a word or two, then rubs his nose on Amil, then Bana. By this time Nikki has finished eating and is ignoring them all while bathing.
I was watching them this morning and decided to take a couple of shots with my phone camera for everyone to enjoy (and to prove that I wasn't making it up) By the time I put Arlo back out, my coffee has perked and Bana has perched on the back of the couch for a nap. Nikki is asleep on the living room recliner and Amil is running away from the fireplace (the fire kicked on as she was sitting on the hearth and scared the bejeebers out of her Bwahahahaha) Thus my day has begun....  ****The last pic is one of Nikki...this is his normal look of disdain***

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