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Monday, March 30, 2009

Sick Kids....and Fakers

I have learned when you have 3 kids and one of them is sick that it is best not to tell the other two what exactly is wrong with the first one. This helps you determine who else is actually getting sick and who is just grasping at straws. CJ was tested for the flu last Friday, came back negative, they said his throat was red and one ear looked they put him on a strong antibiotic that I will not try to spell but will call it the infamous Z pack. Anyway, both of the girls were gone off and on all weekend, so they have no clue for what he was tested. Flash forward to Sunday night...both girls started to get various ailments ranging from but not limited to, a stomach ache, a back ache , a head ache and a possible fever. Now..the fever claim can be dispelled with a mere touch of the hand to the forhead...No fever. Stomach ache is a little iffy, but is less believable when said child continues to eat like a horse. Back ache? I'm not sure, I think they were running out of ideas at this point and remembered that CJ has frequent back problems. Needless to say, although I give them kudos for trying their best, both girls got on the bus this morning. The little one had the nerve to make me come to school to get her for the infamous "stomach ache" but then went on to eat stuffed shells at Melini's and beg for a milkshake afterwards....I think she is a little liar. The 16 yr. old had the nerve to text me, FROM school and type in two little words..."mall tonight?".....are you kidding me??!!! I have to take CJ back to the doctor at 7:30 tonight and had to cancel YET AGAIN my spring parent/teacher conference with Maggie's teacher...I still haven't made it to the grocery store to get everything we need, and my brand new washer (supposedly state of the art) tends to gag on more than 3 pair of jeans, so I have to babysit the washer all day if I want to get any laundry done...BUT I'm going to make sure and take her to the mall tonight! AARRGGHH!!! Thus is my life. Welcome.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Oh Shelley...your kids crack me up! Just think how boring life would be without them!