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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hark, Do I Hear the Whining of Yonder School Bus Brakes??!!

My children went back to school today...they have had a total of 7 days spent in the classroom since 2011 began. I cannot explain my joy.
Maggie was the only one excited to board the bus, she has a 4-H project due today, and I am proud to say that she crocheted her very first scarf! It's gorgeous.
Samantha hates her last year of school. So she had her lower lip stuck out all morning in her gorgeous little pout trying to get sympathy. Didn't work. First of all, if God blesses you with beautiful full lips (which I do not have) then do not abuse this gift by using them for sympathy. I believe a constant smile is in order if you have naturally plump lips. Second of all, it's your last 4 months of high school...get over it.
CJ didn't want to go to school because...wait for it...we made him cut his hair. Yep. It's gone. I'm in high hopes that this will help his back/neck problems, in all seriousness...he spent most of his time hanging his head to the side so that he could see through the curtain of hair. I'm hoping this haircut draws forth a different variety of girls. We shall see.
So...I have the house to myself. After I get the chores started..mainly dishes and laundry...I shall treat myself to a cup of cappuccino ...finish the book I started last night..I'm going to get the bathroom floor mopped, wash the sheets and I might even...paint my toenails. I might paint them a bright red. A celebratory red for back to school day....Yay Me!!

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