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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Here and Yonder

I have a sinus headache, Maggie is squeaking the new pup's toy and yelling "Banna" over and over, CJ wants his back rubbed, Sammi and Derek are making a mess in the kitchen (that I just cleaned)  and Casey is getting ready to go to the gym...Chaos is reigning around me so it is hard to think..therefore this blog will more than likely suck;)

As I just said, we have a new pup. Another Minature Schnauzer named Banna Claire (Our other one got loose and ran to the AA Highway, RIP Hamish). She is solid black, 8 weeks old and she loves her small pink elephant that squeaks.  So far everyone loves her; I give it about 2 weeks before the luster wears off and they are start declaring her "mom's dog"....that's usually what happens;)

The dreaded hotflashes still attack me. I can be standing outside in the freezing cold, my hands are icy, but my shirt will be soaked with sweat. I have turned into a walking sauna. The effect isn't really pleasant. Just as everyone was tired of me talking about my "surgery" (I always used quotations when talking about it;) they have also became desynthetised to my complaints of hotflashes. No one even responds anymore when I ask the expected question : "Is it HOT in here?" They don't even make eye contact anymore. I always follow up the question with a statement..."I'm burnin' slap up!"  **  Nope, not a sound...silence. The only time I feel any sympathy is at church...where I sit with the other "mature ladies". We make our children go turn the ceiling fans on, and dare anyone (with the stink eye) to make a comment about the fans being on in the middle of winter. I am not embarrassed to use the paper fans donated by funeral homes and banks located in the back of the pews. I have learned not to try and hand these paper fans out to anyone else unless they have vocalized an actual need for said fan. It's rather embarrassing when they look at me with a little smirk and shake their head no to my offering. (*Cough....Leigh Anna...cough cough)

Well, as predicted, Maggie isn't going to let me finish this uninterrupted. She is riding her ripstick (skateboard like contraption) all around the house and begging me for something...I'm not sure what because I have been tuning her out. Guess I better be the good mother and go see what she needs...I'm positive it is something REALLY important like a new roll of toliet paper in the bathroom...

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