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Wednesday, January 26, 2011


As I was talking to my friend Amy on the phone yesterday, she whispered a phrase that  has caused the same conversation to be repeated many times...goes something like this...

AMY: " Shelley, I think I was punched in the face last night"

Me:  "Again?! (insert snort of laughter here)

AMY: "I know! (still whispering and now chuckling) I don't know what to do! My jaw 
             REALLY hurts!

ME:  "Well, to make it all about me, Casey elbowed me in the jaw last night too! YOU know 
           how he "fights" in his sleep after he's been up for 30 some need to 
          be like me and just yell at Derek when he does it...he probably won't remember, but you will 
          feel better!

AMY: " I know, I should totally do that...but we both know I won't. Thing is, I'm pretty sure he 
           knew that he did it...(insert an "ouch" here and she tells me that she thinks it's bruised) 
           (I mumble in sympathy) anyway, when I woke up this morning, he asked me if I had 
          nightmares last night..when I asked him why, he told me that I had "whimpered" a lot in  
         my sleep last night! 


ME:  "AMY! You know what we are? We are Unaware Abused Women! We "suspect" that we 
           are abused in our sleep, but we have NO proof! 

AMY:  "Bwahahahahaha!!! That's totally true!!!! We are UAW! Bwahahahahaa!

ME:  "We are SOOOO funny!!!"

AMY: "I know! know no one else will find this funny at all..right?"

ME: "Oh, I know....but I'm going to blog about it!"

Now, the first part of that conversation is the one that we "rehash" every few months...Amy is always whispering because she is afraid to confront Derek about his "thrashing around" in the bed at night...the part where we make it our "own" and as ALWAYS take it too far is new...we think we are hilarious makes us happy.  We can sit in her house and tell each other stories all day long and laugh...the sad thing is, we are always telling stories about things we have done or said together...and we still laugh like it's the first time we have heard it....actually the more I write, the more pathetic we look.

Yep, so I guess it's time to go ahead and wrap up this particular post...I  was actually smiling the whole time I typed it, because I really thought you all would find it as amusing as I so much. But, I'm too lazy to erase this and start again on a new subject...have a good night;))


itsmejen74 said...

Ohhhh I totally find it funny UAW for most people that's like united auto workers union lol but y'all busted me up with it.

Aim said...

We are soooo funny! I don't care what anyone else thinks:)